Urge your candidates to cut fossil fuel interests out of our politics, using the
Candidate Pledge.
We need a political system that boosts the wellbeing of our communities, sustains fair energy and food systems, and takes urgent action to mitigate the worse effects of the climate crisis.
Fossil fuel interests in our politics are blocking this - it's time we kicked them out.
This General Election is a vital opportunity to push for our political system to go fossil free - to reject the interests of the fossil fuel industry and enable urgent political action on the climate emergency.
Fossil Free Parliament is calling on all parliamentary candidates to sign a pledge, to:
cut fossil fuel interests out of politics
reject all offers of benefits from the fossil fuel industry and its representatives
Driven by its hunger for profit from continued fossil fuel extraction, the industry works hard to keep our politicians on side through millions of pounds in donations, a well-oiled revolving door, tickets to exclusive events, prolific sponsorship of political summits, and sickeningly frequent lobbying meetings.
Fossil fuels are pushing our planet to the brink, we can’t afford to allow the industry to keep this cosy relationship with our policy makers. We need all parliamentary candidates to commit to kicking fossil fuel interests out of our politics: starting by personally rejecting its donations, gifts and other benefits.
Can you help by taking just a few minutes now to write to your local parliamentary candidates to ask them to sign our election pledge?
The pledge will apply both during candidates' election campaigns, and during their time as sitting MPs, should they be elected.
If you have any questions about this campaign or Fossil Free Parliament more broadly, please contact us via info@fossilfreeparliament.uk and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to read the pledge text before asking your candidates to sign it, you can do so here: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/fossil-free-parliaments-election-pledge
Some candidates are missing from our database because not all of them have publicly-accessible email addresses. We are working to gather as many candidate email addresses as we can and will keep updating the database with any new addresses.